Collaborating with Mr. Javed Gill, Chief Conservator of Forests, to Enhance RCL Corporate’s Plantation Initiative
Collaborating with Mr. Javed Gill, Chief Conservator of Forests, to Enhance RCL Corporate’s Plantation Initiative

Met Chief Conservator of Forests Mr. Javed Gill earlier today at his office to discuss plantation activity of Rotary Club of Lahore (RCL) Corporate. As the President of RCL Corporate, I shared with the Chief Conservator our club’s objective to be part of tree plantation efforts, as responsible and committed citizens. We have decided to plant over 1450 plants in Jallo Park with the support of Forest Department Punjab. The club members have raised the desired funds and this activity will be executed within a matter of 10-12 days. We also discussed ideas on how we can use social media and other tools to effectively convince our communities to encourage tree plantation for combatting pollution and extremely bad air quality in Lahore.