LUMS Alumni Friends Enjoy Dinner at Shahzad Saleem’s Residence
LUMS Alumni Friends Enjoy Dinner at Shahzad Saleem’s Residence

Dinner hosted by our dear friend Shahzad Saleem for LUMS alumni friends, at his residence. Grateful to the host for bringing us all together and for his generous hospitality. Always a pleasure meeting old friends – and having conversations on subjects that we all feel very passionate about including LUMS SDSB alumni association activities, engagement opportunities that can be created for our alumni at alma mater, and more. Missing in the picture is our friend Suneel Sarfraz Munj who had to leave earlier due to another commitment.
Nabeel Ilyas, Ahsan Sheikh, Majid Munir, Zulfiqar Hameed, Osama Siddique, Haseeb Aslam